Upcoming Offerings with The Stillness Collective

It’s the new year and my partners and I at the Stillness Collective are celebrating with new online and in-person offerings! (We just had the honor of leading a guided Examen with Wellspring Church in Long Island City, as part of their Experience Rhythms Retreat for the new year.) Keep reading to see what interests you!

Discernment as a Way of Life: A Practical and Spiritual Approach to Decision Making

When life asks you to choose one road over another, do you find yourself plagued with doubt, fear, and immobility? At the Stillness Collective, we believe developing discernment is vital to a strong, healthy Christian experience. We have created a course that will guide each participant in practical and spiritual approaches to decision making in partnership with God.

Our next 4-week course meets on Monday nights and includes one individual spiritual direction session. When we offered this course last spring, we received extremely positive feedback as well as suggestions for improvement. We’ve taken this feedback and revamped the course to make it shorter and more accessible while keeping all the wisdom and practical helps that made it so invaluable to our first recipients. This class is fully online, so you can take it from anywhere!

Dates: February 13, 20. 27, March 6
Time: 7-9 pm
Location: Online (Zoom)

Would you like to learn more about our discernment course? Join us for an interest meeting on February 2nd at 12 noon.  Click here to register.  

The Ignatian Spiritual Exercises: A Ten-Week Journey

The Ignatian Spiritual Exercises, developed by St. Ignatius of Loyola, are a time-tested pathway to deep spiritual formation, growing you in the love of God, understanding of your calling, and discernment of God’s presence and invitations in your life. I will be leading a 10-week Ignatian Exercises small group starting on March 9th, via Zoom. The group will meet weekly for a half hour to an hour, depending on group size.

Are you interested in learning more about the Spiritual Exercises? We have an info session on February 6th at 7pm. Click here to register. 

Or, if you would like to contact me directly about the Exercises, either in the 10-week or 9-month form please email me at cmyers.spiritualdirection@gmail.com.

Lenten Retreat: Remain in my Love

As you journey through Lent this year, what does it mean to you to believe in and remain in God’s love, to fully surrender to his unconditional love and embrace? 

As you follow God’s invitation to receive his transformational love, what hidden parts of you might he heal and release to the light? 

Join The Stillness Collective for a Lenten retreat featuring guided reflections on Scripture, live music, and time for meditating on the freely given grace of God’s love. 

When:  March 4th, 9:30am – 1pm 
Where: Coram Deo, Midtown Manhattan
Register: by February 19th with code EARLYBIRD for 10% off

As always, I would be honored to journey with you as your spiritual director. For a free exploratory conversation, please get in touch at cmyers.spiritualdirection@gmail.com.

In faith, hope, and love –


Live Contemplative Prayer + The Spiritual Exercises

Live Guided Meditation

Do you need to nourish your soul this summer? Join us at The Stillness Collective for a live guided meditation based on Scripture on Tuesday, July 26th, at 7pm. RSVP here to receive the Zoom link. This is a FREE event! David Buchs will be providing music and there will be an optional time of sharing after the meditation concludes.

The Ignatian Exercises: A Life-Changing Journey of Spiritual Formation

Also, I’m happy to report that I’ve completed my training in accompanying directees through the Ignatian Spiritual Exercises! Created by St. Ignatius of Loyola and used for centuries in the spiritual formation of Jesuit priests, the Spiritual Exercises take you on a 34-week life-changing journey through Scripture, prayer, God’s unfailing and creative love, and understanding how to recognize the work and calling of God in your life. It’s not an exaggeration to say that the Exercises totally changed my relationship with God and prayer, even though I became a Christian at age 5. I became more peaceful and confident, less anxious, more compassionate, and more accepting. My trust and faith in God grew. I became a better parent and partner. And the changes didn’t stop when the Exercises were over. My encounter with God and the prayer and discernment practices I learned during those nine months continue to define and deepen my faith.

If you have a deep desire for more intimacy with God, are looking for greater peace and freedom in your life, want to explore your calling, or perhaps are finding that your old ways of reading the Bible and praying aren’t satisfying to you anymore, and have the time to invest in daily reading, prayer, and journaling, the Exercises might be for you. The Exercises usually launch sometime in September, so that the readings on Advent and Easter roughly line up with the church calendar. If this stirs something inside of you, I would love to be your director and guide through the Exercises! Please contact me at cmyers.spiritualdirection@gmail.com to find out more information and to discern next steps.

In faith, hope, and love,


Discernment as a Way of Life: A New Course

Come join me and my partners in The Stillness Collective in a new course! It’s called “Discernment as a Way of Life: A Practical and Spiritual Approach to Decision-Making.” It launches Sunday, May 15th and will go for six weeks.

Why are we offering this course?

Because we’ve noticed lately that we know many people who are in the midst of big life-changes and discernment processes. They are seeking to make decisions with God, but don’t know how.

That’s where our course comes in. We’d like to introduce you to a well-loved book by Elizabeth Liebert called The Way of Discernment. It offers a time-tested, practical method of Christian discernment, based on the spirituality and practices of St. Ignatius of Loyola.

In our own lives, we’ve found it immensely comforting and empowering to have a method to follow rather than being left to muddle through with trial and error – or well-intentioned but not always helpful advice.

We also believe that Ignatian discernment doesn’t just help with decision making! It provides a framework for experiencing God in a deeper way in our day-to-day lives.

We want you to have these tools at your disposal, so that you, too, can grow in your experience of God and have a greater understanding of and confidence in his leading in your life.

I’m really excited about this course! Ignatian discernment is something I turn to over and over for wisdom and guidance. I hope you’ll join us and see what impact it could have on your life, too!

As always, thanks so much for being here and for your support. And please feel free to contact me with any questions you might have.

In faith, love, and hope –


Course details: Sundays from May 15 – June 19 (six weeks), 7-9pm, via Zoom. For more information, including pricing, visit the course page at The Stillness Collective. Or, come join our information session on Thursday, May 5, at 7pm. Register here.