Contemplative Reflection for Pentecost

My friends and I at Soul Space have a new guided contemplation up just in time for Pentecost Sunday!

May you have a life-giving encounter with Jesus and the Holy Spirit as you listen to the Scripture (Acts 2:1-21) and use your imagination to enter into a time of reflection and prayer.

Created by Soul Space: Janine Rohrer (writing), Carrie Myers (narration), David Buchs (Original music and sound mixing)

P.S. I’ve been creating guided contemplative prayers every week for our virtual Sunday services at Vineyard One NYC. For those of you who are spiritual directors or prayer leaders, I’m going to start posting those scripts weekly, so stay tuned!

(If I can figure out how, I’ll post the recordings, too, but so far Audacity and I are not friends. Recording the Pentecost script required me to sit in my living room very late at night so noises were at a minimum, doors and windows closed, fan off, with my microphone in a box stuffed with pillows and there was still background noise that I do not personally know how to edit out.)

Find me on Instagram @ravishedbylight.

Find David Buchs at

Breath Prayer 1: Breathing with God Through Your Day


This is the first installment of my Spiritual Practice of the Month series. Each month, I’ll post a description and a guide to a new spiritual expression meant to help us experience God and the freedom he desires for us in deep and fresh ways. You will also be able to follow this series on my Instagram account, ravishedbylight, where I will also be posting a new Bible Verse of the Week every Monday.

Breath prayer, like most contemplative practices, helps us become increasingly aware of God with us in every moment and circumstance of our lives.  There is more than one way to engage in breath prayer: one focuses on concentrated periods of prayer while another disperses the prayer throughout your entire day. For this post, I’m going to focus on the latter. It’s particularly good for busy seasons where stillness is hard to find or for people who may struggle with what’s typically thought of as prayer in evangelical circles (an unscripted conversation with God, eyes closed, while sitting or kneeling).

I’m going to shamelessly steal most of this post from my husband’s newsletter to our church earlier this week. He writes about his initial skepticism about spiritual direction as well as his encounter with God through breath prayer. I’ll follow with a step-by-step guide to experiencing breath prayer for yourself. (Use this link to skip the story and go directly to a printable breath prayer guide.) Here’s my husband’s story:


I meet once a month with a Spiritual Director, Bill. He’s a man of wisdom, peace, and curiosity. He helps me explore my relationship with God, asking me to get specific about what God is saying to me and what God might be inviting me to.  Honestly, when I started meeting with him, I wanted to quit after about 2 sessions. At first, I didn’t get the point – I already read the bible, I pray, I try to obey what God is telling me – I thought, “Why do I need somebody else to do this with?”

Then God started talking to me.

During our times of discussion, prayer, and reflection, God began to show up and say things to me that were completely new and unexpected! It usually wasn’t Bill telling me “I think God is saying….” it was just us being quiet & reflective together, giving me space for God to speak his voice to me directly. Those things that God has been speaking to me have shaped the direction of my life and ministry.

Let me give you an example: recently, meeting with Bill, as we were talking about the kind of life that God desires for each of us, as we prayed, I heard the Lord say to me “A life governed by the Spirit.”

Romans 8.6

And that was it. It honestly didn’t seem like much at the time, but I could tell it was important. Bill asked me how I could explore that thought and we came up with the idea of “Breath Prayer.” Basically, I walk around all day and I pray a simple, one-sentence prayer under my breath wherever I go.

“Holy Spiritgovern my life.” I try to say it 100 times a day, reflecting on the meaning and letting the prayer speak to me and change me. In the days since I started praying this prayer, it’s meaning has exploded to me with implications I had never realized!

I work through it piece by piece – I’m asking my life to be governed by the Holy Spirit – not governed by my wallet (money), my watch (time & schedule), my will (selfish desires), etc. I don’t want my life to be governed by anyone or anything else by the Holy Spirit – that’s my prayer and declaration as I pray this 100 times a day.

As I ask the Spirit to govern my life, I’m asking him to rule, to make the decisions, to set the course, to provide for me, to protect me. I want his governing presence in the decisions I make myself, and in the circumstances that I find myself in.

When I ask the Spirit to govern my life, I’m submitting myself to him in every aspect of my life – my decisions, my interactions, my activities, my day-to-day life and looking ahead to the whole rest of my life. He gets to govern my body, my mind, my heart, my words, my actions – my whole life!

It’s a simple prayer – Holy Spiritgovern my life – but prayed over and over every day, it’s had a huge impact on me in just a short amount of time!


Below is a guide to practicing breath prayer for yourself. You can also find the instructions in a printable pdf form if you click the link.

Breath Prayer

Ask the Lord for a simple word or phrase that encapsulates his invitation to you at this moment of your life. It may be a verse, a snippet of a song, something has said to you recently, or something entirely new from God.

Once God has spoken this word or phrase to you, commit to saying it to yourself throughout the day, during your morning routine, as you go to work or spend time with your family, as you do your household chores, watch sports, hang out with your friends, go on a date, brush your teeth. (You get the idea.) 

As you spend time with the prayer, be aware of how its meanings deepen and change. What happens if you emphasize one word instead of another? How is the prayer beginning to make itself known in different aspects of your life? Notice how God is changing you through the prayer.

Stay with the same prayer, even when you may experience boredom or resistance, until you sense God inviting you into something new.

Easter Sunday: He is Risen Indeed



Spend some time rejoicing in and with our Risen Lord.


John 12:1-18


1) Vs. 9 says that the disciples who saw the empty tomb “saw and believed.” What have you seen as you journeyed with Jesus during Lent? How has Jesus strengthened and sustained your belief?

2) Mary Magdalene goes through a gamut of emotions: mourning over Jesus’ death, alarm and grief when she believes his body has been stolen, then the joy of recognition when Jesus speaks her name and she is able to share the news with the others. What emotions have you experienced as you have encountered Jesus during this Lent season? Which stand out to you and why? How might they be leading you to act and pray?




After Jesus’ resurrection, the disciples enter a time of waiting and praying for Pentecost, for the coming of the Holy Spirit. Ask Jesus to show you what this time of waiting and praying will look like for you, then act accordingly.


“Leap of Faith” is a devotional series on the Gospel of John for the Lent season. All readings are available on the Vineyard One NYC app, along with additional resources for Bible reading, worship, and prayer (IPhone app here; Google Play app here).


Lent Day 45: “They Knew It Was The Lord”



Find a place and posture of that will support your time of prayer. Allow the Holy Spirit to bring you the joy of Christ’s resurrection.


John 21


Jesus’ return from death stimulates the hearts of his disciples. They are rejuvenated by Christ’s resurrection.

There are two scenes in John where the disciples fish with Jesus. The first (John 1:35-42) shows the amazement of ordinary men at an extraordinary man named Jesus. If we compare the first fishing scene to the one in John 21, we can see that the disciples have grown in faith and been transformed by their relationship with Christ.

1) What are some ways you have grown in Christ during this season of life?


In both fishing scenes, Jesus calls his disciples to follow him. How is Jesus calling Peter to serve? How is God calling you to serve today? As he speaks to you, answer with a “yes.”

Guest writer: Marcus Samerson


“Leap of Faith” is a devotional series on the Gospel of John for the Lent season. All readings are available on the Vineyard One NYC app, along with additional resources for Bible reading, worship, and prayer (IPhone app here; Google Play app here).


Lent Day 44: “Blessed Are Those Who Believe”



Find a place and posture of that will support your time of prayer. Ask for the grace of increased faith in Jesus.


John 20:19-31


1) Imagine how the disciples felt after Jesus was crucified. Although they knew in their heart of hearts that Jesus was the Messiah and that he would be raised from the dead, they were heartbroken. They must have been filled with doubt and even despair. They were hiding from the Jewish leaders. Then, suddenly, in their darkest hour, Jesus appeared and sent them out as the Father sent him. Their tears must have been turned into laughter, their anxiety into peace. Ask the Lord to wipe out any doubt and any fear that may be holding you back and to use you for His purposes.

2) Verse 28 is the only verse in which someone directly calls Jesus God in the Bible. When Thomas saw for himself that Jesus had come back from the dead, he had to believe. In what powerful ways has Jesus revealed himself to you? Ask him to reveal himself to you in beautiful and powerful ways this Lent and Easter.


Believe. If you are reading this reflection it is because you in some way or another have experienced God’s love. Deep down you know that Jesus is God and that he was crucified and raised from the dead. Thank Jesus for his perfect sacrifice on the cross. Ask Jesus to increase your faith in him. Ask him to allow your faith to be true (see James 2:14-26, Galatians 5:6, and Hebrews 11).

Guest writer: Abraham Aldama

“Leap of Faith” is a devotional series on the Gospel of John for the Lent season. All readings are available on the Vineyard One NYC app, along with additional resources for Bible reading, worship, and prayer (IPhone app here; Google Play app here).


Lent Day 43: “I Have Seen the Lord!”



Close your eyes and quiet your thoughts. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you seek and find Jesus in whatever way he chooses to show himself.


John 20:1-18


1) In verses 1-10, Mary Magdalene and the disciples run looking for Jesus but do not find him in the way they had expected? Do you identify with them at all? In what way? Are there any times that Jesus has shown up in your life in a way you did not expect?

2) Jesus said to her, “Mary.” She turned toward him and cried out in Aramaic,”Rabboni!” [which means “Teacher”] (v. 16).

Mary did not recognize Jesus until he spoke her name. Then, she turned to recognize him as her teacher. Are there any times in your life where you have felt Jesus speaking your name and possibly inviting you to recognize him in a new way?


Take a few minutes to thank Jesus for all of the ways he appears in your life.

In verse 17, Jesus says, “Go instead to my brothers and tell them…” Ask Jesus what he may want you to tell others about him and to give you the opportunity to do so.

Guest writer: Erin Brehm

“Leap of Faith” is a devotional series on the Gospel of John for the Lent season. All readings are available on the Vineyard One NYC app, along with additional resources for Bible reading, worship, and prayer (IPhone app here; Google Play app here).


Lent Day 42: “It is Finished”



Find a comfortable place to pray. Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you as you walk with Jesus through his time of trial.


John 19:17-42


When Jesus says, “It is finished,” he may be referring to many endings at once: not only his mission on the cross, his defeat of sin, death, and evil but also his human life and ministry (in his non-resurrected body). He has also “finished” his duty as a human son; one of his last acts is ensuring his mother will be taken care of always, by John. As always in Jesus’ life on earth, we see the human and divine intersect.

1) As you read this passage, what part of Jesus’ “finishing” impacts you the most? Why?

2) As you consider the last 24 hours, where have you seen the human and divine intersect in your own life? Where have you experienced Jesus coming into your human existence, or experienced yourself as moving towards God?


The account of Jesus’ death fulfilled Old Testament prophecies, emphasizing that he is indeed the Messiah that was foretold (v. 36). Although Jesus asks us to take up our own crosses as we follow him (Matthew 16:24), only Jesus’ death on the cross and resurrection can bring us freedom from our sins.

What “cross” is Jesus asking you to bear on his behalf these days? By doing so, how are you advancing the work of the Kingdom of God? Ask Jesus to help you bear your cross faithfully as you partner with him in establishing his rule and reign.

Guest writer: Mimi Otani,

“Leap of Faith” is a devotional series on the Gospel of John for the Lent season. All readings are available on the Vineyard One NYC app, along with additional resources for Bible reading, worship, and prayer (IPhone app here; Google Play app here).


Lent Day 41: “No Power Unless Given From Above”



Close your eyes and quiet your thoughts. Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you as you walk with Jesus through his time of trial.


John 19:1-16

Jesus endures horrible abuse and torture at the hands of his enemies. He is now a prisoner, brought here by the plotting and scheming of the religious leaders, no longer able to roam free to teach and heal the masses.
1) Put yourself in the place of one of Jesus’ followers. What emotions do you imagine you would have felt while seeing all of this? What conclusions might you have come to about Jesus, yourself, Pilate or the religious leaders, or about what was going to happen next?
2) ” Then Jesus said, “You would have no power over me at all unless it were given to you from above. So the one who handed me over to you has the greater sin” (v.11).
In this situation, who believes they are in control? How do they demonstrate what they believe to be their superiority? How do Jesus’ words show them – and us – another perspective?
3) Think back on a difficult time in your life. How has Jesus used it to show you he is in control of your life, health, dreams, and hopes?
Give thanks to Jesus, who chose to endure great suffering because of his love for us. Share the story of Jesus’ love with someone this week.
Guest writer: Mercy Perez


“Leap of Faith” is a devotional series on the Gospel of John for the Lent season. All readings are available on the Vineyard One NYC app, along with additional resources for Bible reading, worship, and prayer (IPhone app here; Google Play app here).


Lent Day 38: “We Want Jesus”



Close your eyes and quiet your thoughts. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you open your imagination and encounter Jesus in a new way.


John 18:15-40


1) Peter denies Jesus three times. Put yourself in Peter’s place. What do you imagine he was feeling and thinking?

2) Imagine a circumstance in which you would also be tempted to deny Jesus.  What pressures might cause you to do so? What do you think you might feel and think at that time? (If this is something that has already happened, you may revisit those moments in your mind, but without guilt, in the knowledge that Jesus has already forgiven you and has brought you forward from that place and time.)

3) Now, imagine that same circumstance, but imagine Jesus is right there, next to you, as you are being questioned or challenged. What does Jesus do or say? How do his presence, words, or actions change yours? (Again, if this has happened to you, replay those moments, but imagine Jesus there with you this time. What is he doing or saying? What expression is on his face? Does Jesus’ presence make any difference to your understanding of yourself or of what happened at the time?)


When Pilate offers to release Jesus to the crowd, the people demand Barabbas instead. Where in your life have you been tempted to choose something or someone other than Jesus? What does this reveal about your fears or other points of weakness?

Bring whatever is revealed to Jesus for healing. Ask Jesus to so overwhelm you with his love that you are free to choose him with your whole heart.

“Leap of Faith” is a devotional series on the Gospel of John for the Lent season. All readings are available on the Vineyard One NYC app, along with additional resources for Bible reading, worship, and prayer (IPhone app here; Google Play app here).


Lent Day 37: “The Cup of Suffering”



Begin with a time of silence.


John 18:1-14



Peter reacts to the possibility of capture with violence. But Jesus chooses another way: to “drink the cup of suffering” at the same time he repeatedly insists that he is the Lord (“I Am”). Jesus shows us a new model of power: one that asserts its strength not through conquest and violence, but through peace and suffering.

1) Look around you at our systems and institutions of power (governmental, educational, religious, etc.) or at individuals who hold power. Where do they come close to or fall short of the model Jesus gave us?

2) Where in your life has God given you influence, privilege, or power? On the other hand, where are you experiencing powerlessness, subjection, or opposition? In either case, how might Jesus be inviting you to experience and offer his peace?


As you move closer and closer to the time of Jesus’ Passion, ask for the grace to walk with Jesus closely through his time of sorrow. Allow Jesus to awaken both surrender to his will and compassion for all those who suffer from injustice or pain.

“Leap of Faith” is a devotional series on the Gospel of John for the Lent season. All readings are available on the Vineyard One NYC app, along with additional resources for Bible reading, worship, and prayer (IPhone app here; Google Play app here).