Lent Day 23: “Mourning to Dancing”



Breathe in God’s presence. Invite Jesus to be your shepherd. Ask the Holy Spirit to open your ears to hear his voice.


John 11:1-44


1) Jesus weeps at Lazarus’ tomb but he also experiences deep anger (v. 33, 38). Based on the passage, why do you think he feels such anger? Who or what is his anger directed at? How do the emotions Jesus shows here fit with  – or challenge – your image of who Jesus is?

2) What are some things about this world now that make you angry or sorrowful? How does Jesus feel about those things? How does he feel about your anger and sorrow?



Now that you have identified something that is troubling you about the world today – something that is not as Jesus intended it to be – how are you called to change it? Ask Jesus to show you one thing you can to do help make things right in the world, to help turn someone’s mourning to dancing, sorrow to joy (Psalm 30:11-12).


“Leap of Faith” is a devotional series on the Gospel of John for the Lent season. All readings are available on the Vineyard One NYC app, along with additional resources for Bible reading, worship, and prayer (IPhone app here; Google Play app here).


Lent Day 21: The Sheep of His Pasture



Breathe in God’s presence. Invite Jesus to be your shepherd. Ask the Holy Spirit to open your ears to hear his voice.


John 10:1-21


The Confidence and Assurance of Jesus Christ

Jesus claims to be a good shepherd that stands to protect and provide for his sheep. In this passage, the sheep represent his people (his Church).  The relationship between Jesus and his church is represented by the dependence of the sheep on the good shepherd.

1) According to the passage, why is it so important for the sheep to be able to recognize the good shepherd in the field?

2) Why is so important for God’s people be able to recognize Jesus (the Word of God) every day in the world? How has this been important in your own life?


In what ways might you strengthen your comprehension and reception of God’s voice every day? Ask God to reveal to you one or two ways you can position yourself to obey God’s voice daily.

Guest Writer: Marcus Samerson

“Leap of Faith” is a devotional series on the Gospel of John for the Lent season. All readings are available on the Vineyard One NYC app, along with additional resources for Bible reading, worship, and prayer (IPhone app here; Google Play app here).


Lent Day 18: Review



Today is a day to review your journey with Jesus over the past week. Ask Jesus to be with you as you do so. Let the Holy Spirit guide your thoughts, emotions, and memories.


Look over the week’s devotionals and/or your journal entries (Day 13, Day 14, Day 15, Day 16, Day 17). What stands out to you?  How has Jesus been present to you this week? Where do you sense Jesus inviting your attention so that you may go deeper with him?


If looking over the entire week feels too overwhelming, reflect on one or more of these themes from the week’s devotionals:

1) Jesus gives abundantly to those he loves. What has been your greatest need or desire this week? How has your conversation with Jesus about this gone?

2) Jesus asks only for our belief. In what ways, big or small, have you given him your belief this week? Is there anything holding you back from offering Jesus the gift of yourself?

3) When Jesus brings his truth, we are set free. Ask the Holy Spirit to bring to light some of the lies you have believed about yourself or about God. Ask Jesus to replace those lies with his truth and freedom.

Take a moment to bask in the incredible love that Jesus has for you.  Ask him to give you the ability to choose him freely and completely in response to his love.


“Leap of Faith” is a devotional series on the Gospel of John for the Lent season. All readings are available on the Vineyard One NYC app, along with additional resources for Bible reading, worship, and prayer (IPhone app here; Google Play app here).


Lent Day 17: “The Truth Will Set You Free”



Find a place where you can be still and sense God’s presence. Ask Jesus to come to you in his love and truth.

John 8:31-59

1) Jesus told his disciples (vs. 31-32 ), “If you hold to my teaching you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” In what areas of your life are you holding to Jesus’ teaching and searching for truth and greater freedom?

2) Jesus was secure in his identity. He spoke boldly about who his Father was and what purpose He was sent for. How do you feel in knowing that God is your true Father? In what ways does this empower you to speak truthfully about Him and to pursue whatever purposes you may feel called to?

In verse 54, Jesus says, “If I glorify myself, my glory means nothing. My Father, whom you claim as your God, is the one who glorifies me.” Spend some time reflecting on what it means to you to glorify God. Ask God to reveal to you the ways in which He is glorifying himself through you.

Guest writer: Erin Brehm


“Leap of Faith” is a devotional series on the Gospel of John for the Lent season. All readings are available on the Vineyard One NYC app, along with additional resources for Bible reading, worship, and prayer (IPhone app here; Google Play app here).


Lent Day 16: “Go and Sin No More”



Find a place where you be still and sense God’s presence. Ask the Holy Spirit to guide your time of prayer so you may hear Jesus’ call.


John 8:1-30


You judge by human standards; I pass judgment on no one (v. 15).

1) If Jesus had passed judgment on the Pharisees, what would have been the consequence for them?  What would it be for you now? In light of this statement, who is Jesus to you?

2) “Teacher, this woman was caught in the act of adultery. In the Law, Moses commanded us to stone such women. Now what do you say?” (v. 4-5).

Actually, Leviticus 20:10 says, “If a man commits adultery with another man’s wife – with the wife of his neighbor – both the adulterer and the adulteress are to be put to death.” Why do you think only the woman is condemned in this account? What might this reveal about Jesus’ justice versus justice administered by people?


Jesus spares the woman from being stoned, then fellows with the words “sin no more.” Jesus tells us the same thing each time we are spared from punishment for our wrongdoing. Is there any area of your life in which you are experiencing Jesus’ mercy and hearing his call to “sin no more?” How can you respond in obedience?

Guest writer: Mimi Otani

“Leap of Faith” is a devotional series on the Gospel of John for the Lent season. All readings are available on the Vineyard One NYC app, along with additional resources for Bible reading, worship, and prayer (IPhone app here; Google Play app here).


Lent Day 15: There are No Limits on His Love



Find a place where you can be still and sense God’s presence. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you understand Jesus’ boundless love for you.


John 7


In verse 51, Nicodemus asks, “Is it legal to convict a man before he is given a hearing?

The Pharisees respond, “Are you from Galilee too? Search the scriptures and see for yourself no prophet ever comes from Galilee!”

The Pharisees have studied the law and are staunch about keeping it. They are no strangers to the supernatural events that fill Jewish history: the flood, the opening of the Red Sea, and the battle where the Sun stood still until the conflict was won. Each event was attributed to a mighty, all-powerful God. The same God raised Prophets to communicate with the Jewish nation, calling them to deliver Gods warning, judgments, and love. And yet here are the Pharisees, believing that raising a prophet from Galilee is something God cannot do.

Through Jesus, we have access to an almighty, all-powerful, compassionate and loving God, one who relentlessly loves and seeks us. How has God acted in your life recently? Do you hold any preconceived ideas about God’s limits that might be limiting his power in your life?


Ask God to show you someone you can encourage today. Remind them that God has already given us his son to show us his heart for us. There are no limits on his love.

Guest writer: Mercy Perez


“Leap of Faith” is a devotional series on the Gospel of John for the Lent season. All readings are available on the Vineyard One NYC app, along with additional resources for Bible reading, worship, and prayer (IPhone app here; Google Play app here).


Lent Day 14: “Only Believe in the One He has Sent”



Find a place where you can be still and sense God’s presence. Ask the Holy Spirit to make you receptive to hearing Jesus’ words for you.


John 6:22-71


Jesus says, “Don’t be so concerned about perishable things like food. Spend your energy seeking the eternal life that the Son of Man can give you” (v. 28). What worries do you have right now? What does Jesus say to you about them?


Jesus repeatedly tells his listeners that the only thing God asks of them is belief in him. Once you give Jesus your trust, everything else you do or say or choose will flow from your relationship with him.

In your own words, tell Jesus that you believe he is the bread of life, come from the Father. Thank him for his gift of eternal life. Ask him to free you from any worries about “perishable things” that so that you can focus on him.


“Leap of Faith” is a devotional series on the Gospel of John for the Lent season. All readings are available on the Vineyard One NYC app, along with additional resources for Bible reading, worship, and prayer (IPhone app here; Google Play app here).


Lent Day 13: Called to Greater Things



Find a place where you can be still and sense God’s presence. Ask the Holy Spirit to make you receptive to hearing Jesus’ words for you.


John 6:1-21


At the wedding in Cana (John 2:1-11), Jesus didn’t just turn water into wine – he turned it into the best-tasting wine at the party. When he feeds the 5,000 men (in addition to the women and children), he provides enough food for everyone to eat “as much as they want,” and there are still twelve baskets of food left over. He gives generously, beyond expectations.

1) How have you experienced God’s great generosity? How might God be calling you to show generosity to others?


Jesus doesn’t do things halfway. Perhaps he is also inviting you to “go big” – to do or be something greater than you could ask for or imagine. Spend some time asking him what that something greater might be.


“Leap of Faith” is a devotional series on the Gospel of John for the Lent season. All readings are available on the Vineyard One NYC app, along with additional resources for Bible reading, worship, and prayer (IPhone app here; Google Play app here).


Lent Day 2: Jesus Calls You to “Come”




Ask the Holy Spirit to guide your devotional time. Read the assigned passage, then proceed through the “Reflect and Pray” and “Obey” sections.


John 1:35-51


The arrival of Jesus stands out to in this passage. He comes on the scene without advertising or fanfare. God, Jesus’ father, gave witness of him by descending the Holy Spirit in the form of a dove to reveal his identity. Two of John’s disciples heard John the Baptist declare, “Look! There is the Lamb of God!”  Without hesitation, they followed Jesus. They were ready and had been waiting to receive and follow the Messiah. This portion of scripture invites us not to fear or hesitate in continuing to welcome Jesus into our daily life and activities and to follow the leading of the disciples as they heeded the word “Come.”

1) In what ways are you invited to welcome Jesus into your daily life?

2) Jesus also calls you to “Come.” Is there anything in your life he is asking you to leave behind for his sake? (Keep in mind sometimes the things that hold us back can be very good things in and of themselves. John’s disciples left behind John in order to follow Jesus; they left something good and true because something better had been revealed to them. In the same way, Jesus might be inviting you to move away from something good because he has a better, deeper calling in mind. Ask him for wisdom and discernment to hear the specifics of his call.)


Give thanks that the Holy Spirit has revealed Jesus to you. Thank Jesus for inviting you to follow, and choose to answer his call to “Come.” Let him bring his life, hope, and healing into your everyday life and activities.

Guest writer: Mercy Perez

“Leap of Faith” is a devotional series on the Gospel of John  for the Lent season. All readings are available on the Vineyard One NYC app, along with additional resources for Bible reading, worship, and prayer (IPhone app here; Google Play app here).

Who God Designed You to Be



Summer in the Psalms is a sermon and written reflection series from my church based on Psalms and associated readings from the Revised Common Lectionary.


Genesis 32:22-31


Jacob had a difficult life. Often it seemed like his problems were mostly his own doing. Born the second son in a society that awarded all property and honor to the oldest, he was still determined to take everything for himself. Jacob’s name meant “Supplanter” or “Trickster” and it fit. No matter what the consequences, he never seemed to learn to stop plotting and manipulating. He schemed, fought and tricked his way into an inheritance and prosperity.

When the Lord tells Jacob, “you have striven with God and with humans, and prevailed,” He’s telling the story of Jacob’s life. But He’s also affirming that Jacob is exactly who God made him. God told Jacob’s mother ahead of his birth that he would inherit his father’s blessing, and that God’s chosen line would flow through Jacob, not his older brother. God could have simply caused Jacob to be born first. But that’s not what He did.

Instead, God designed Jacob to be a fighter and a striver, someone who never took no for an answer, someone who would wrestle God Himself to get the blessing he wanted. It’s not that God wanted or caused Jacob to do underhanded things. But Jacob was on a path to become Israel, the father of a new and mighty nation, and he needed to be persistent, shrewd, and unafraid in the face of opposition in order to be ready for everything that entailed. Through Jacob, a lowly second son with an iron will and an unrelenting drive for more, God kept His promises to His chosen people.

Wherever you are in your life right now, it’s worth asking: Who has God designed me to be? What personality and character traits has He given me, and how do they fit into God’s plan and promises for my life?


Name a personality or character trait that you like about yourself. Thank God for making you that way. Next, name a trait that you aren’t as happy with, maybe one that’s gotten you into trouble, or has seemed to be an obstacle as you pursue your goals. Ask the Holy Spirit to show you how God has used that trait to move you in His direction for your life. Thank God for this trait. Then, thank God for who He has designed you to be and for the role He has called you to play in this world.