Carrie Myers (she/her)
Spiritual Director, Ignatian Exercises Director, Supervisor, Teacher
Program Director of the Schools of Sustainable Faith
Co-Founder, The Stillness Collective
In my spiritual direction practice, I find joy and purpose in helping others experience God’s presence, leading, and love in their everyday lives. Spiritual direction offers all who undertake it a sacred space to bring their true selves before the true God: to explore their desires, longings, growth edges, fears, losses, and callings in the presence of a loving, compassionate God. As a spiritual director, my role is to facilitate the deepening of my directees’ holy, healthy relationships with self, God, and others.
I offer individual direction, group and individual Ignatian Exercises direction, spiritual direction supervision, and spiritual direction training (through the School of Spiritual Direction at Sustainable Faith.)
I am currently the Program Director of the Schools of Sustainable Faith and part of the Princeton Theological Seminary and Soul Care networks of directors. I am also a 2024 Pastoral Studies Project grantee from the Louisville Institute for my study of Asian American Christian spiritual formation. As a founding member of The Stillness Collective, I help busy, burdened people find rest, restoration, and stillness through guided Christian meditations, spiritual direction, and retreats.
With a PhD in English and American Literature from NYU, I have worked on the faculties of NYU, Barnard College, and City Seminary of New York. I also hold certificates in Urban and Arts Ministry. My publications include nonfiction books for children, poems, and articles. Most recently, I’ve been a pastor and worship leader at Vineyard One NYC. I’ve been married to Ryan, Vineyard One’s senior pastor, for over 25 years. We have three children and two very fluffy bunnies.
To contact me for direction or for any of my other offerings, please email me at carriemyers@sustainablefaith.com. Or, book an appointment with me directly here.