How is spiritual direction different from counseling or therapy?
Like a counseling session, a spiritual direction session is a place of safety and confidentiality. Also like counseling, over time, direction can help a person find great healing and freedom. It’s not uncommon for a person to be in both counseling and spiritual direction at the same time, with the two processes complementing each other. But spiritual direction is not a substitute for therapy. Persons experiencing clinical depression, anxiety, trauma, or a mental health crisis should seek out a licensed counseling professional.
(That said, there are many wonderful directors who are trained in both counseling and direction. My own director, Sr. Marylin Gramas, holds a Masters in Social Work.)
When I have directed counselors, what they have noticed differentiates counseling and direction is that direction is laser-focused on God and how God is working and moving in a person’s life. A spiritual director will always help point their directee’s attention, thoughts, emotions, and body back to God.