Spiritual Direction nyc

Lent Day 20: Blind But Now I See




Begin by asking God to show you the blessings he’s given you today, whether big or small. Ask him to open your eyes to his presence and work in your life.


John 9


1) In verses 1-5, Jesus gives us an important lesson. He can use adverse situations to bring glory to God and increase our faith. I am not saying that everything happens for a reason; but rather that in any situation God can work something good for those who love Him (Romans 8:28). Are you facing a difficult situation? In your prayer time today, give that situation to God. Seek out someone in your faith community who can support you, even if it’s just to give you a hug.

2) Imagine witnessing this scene. Would you not believe that Jesus is the Messiah after seeing Him giving sight to a man that was born blind? The Pharisees knew that this man had always been blind and had been healed, yet they refused to believe. They questioned Jesus for healing the man on the Sabbath. The Pharisees were blinder than the blind man. They had made idols of the law and their own understanding. But just like idols, they could not see (Psalm 135:15-18). Ask Jesus to show you in what areas of your life you have been blind. Invite him to bring healing.


Believe in Jesus. Believe that He is mighty to give sight to the blind and that He is stronger than any circumstance that you might be facing: physical or mental health problems, financial struggles, heartbrokenness, a loved one going through a painful situation, or maybe even battles with particular sins. Ask Him to allow you to see Him in that situation. Ask that he might increase your surrender to Him through this difficulty and thus be glorified.

Guest writer: Abraham Aldama


“Leap of Faith” is a devotional series on the Gospel of John for the Lent season. All readings are available on the Vineyard One NYC app, along with additional resources for Bible reading, worship, and prayer (IPhone app here; Google Play app here).


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